Friday, February 14, 2014

The Monuments Men

     It was a great idea.  Unfortunately, that's all it was.  The Monuments Men follows a group of soldiers that have been tasked to preserve art during WWII.  They are scoffed and laughed at by other soldiers, but their colleagues know better.  Fighting a war means trying to preserve your way of life.  That can not be done if there is nothing left.
     The story sticks to the fringes of the war.  The men hardly see battle.  That does not mean there is any less danger.  It just means it isn't as exciting to watch.
     Each member of the crew have their moments to shine, but it feels lacking.  Many of the characters are there just to have a humorous break in the story and show that war isn't glamourous.
     Also being based on a true story, the movie struggles with finding a true antagonist.  Instead the crew bounces from bad guy to bad guy depending on how far into the war they are.  Once the Nazis are out the Russians come in with mediocre setup.
     The movie is well done.  We've just come to expect more from these men.

3/5 stars

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