Friday, May 16, 2014
It's been ten years in the making, but the King of the Monsters has finally returned. Not only that, but Godzilla also makes his return to America.
The franchise has shaken off all of the bad blood from the 1998 Godillza film, and brushed off much of the camp that swarmed the rest of the Toho series. What we have here is a back to basics Godzilla film.
Don't expect a mindblowing, turn of events kind of film. This is a straight up monster movie. It's just done better than most. The movie follows mostly Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character Ford Brody. His father, played by Bryan Cranston, drags him into a conspiracy that only the Monarch Group know about. The existence of Godzilla. Once the monster and friends, rise, it's all out survival.
4/5 stars
Friday, April 25, 2014
The Raid 2
Things are kicked off right after The Raid: Redemption ends. Rama and others have escaped the criminal building and they are out of danger. So he thought. Rama discovers he is just getting into his problems as he is sent undercover to prison in order to further infiltrate the criminal underworld that he already put a decent beating on. Corruption and greed flow through the city and Rama has to get all the way to the top to put an end to it and safely return to his family.
In typical sequel fashion the plot is much grander than the original. Instead of the simple plot of a group of cops escaping a building, we are met with a giant conspiracy and several players as they fight for control of two crime families. The fight scenes are plenty (which adds to the run time of the movie. Buckle in it's about two and a half hours).
You'll probably want to watch Redemption first. The first few minutes can be jarring if you do not remember who all survives and what there role was. If you're into action movies then that should be no problem. Get ready for subtitles as well. It's an Indonesian film after all.
3/5 stars
The Other Woman
Cameron Diaz might be in the star of the film, but the drawing power of this movie is Leslie Mann. She shines as the neurotic housewife who learns, unbeknownst to both of them, that Diaz has been sleeping with her husband.
Mann clings to Diaz because she is the only one that knows about the affair and she needs someone to talk to. As their friendship blossoms they learn of another girl, Kate Upton, and bring her into the fold. Together these three women plan revenge against the cheating husband.
The actual plot of the film is a little thin. It holds well until the ending that presents an "Okay" climax. It wasn't unsatisfying, it just could have been better. Especially considering there were several opportunities presented that could have added a bit more tension to the end. Instead they go an easy way out and keep to simple laughs.
Diaz and Mann are hilarious together as they tackle the problems of cheaters, new romance, and a giant dog named, "Thunder."
3/5 stars
To begin, it's almost refreshing to see Johnny Depp play a more straight role instead of the usual "Jack Sparrow"-ish characters that he's portrayed over the last decade.
Depp plays Will Caster, a scientist working on developing the first major AI system. Plans go awry when a terrorist group kill many of the major scientist in that field. Their attack leaves Caster to a slow death. His wife, in a desperate attempt, transfers Caster's consciousness into the AI system he was working on. The result is a new sentient being that leaves the question on who or what it really is.
The scope of the film is actually larger than what the trailers would have you believe. The stakes are raised high early in the film, and it leaves you guessing how we get to the end result.
The biggest problem with the film is the writers weren't sure how they got to the end result either. It's a little choppy with the film eventually just going through the motions to see it to its end instead of letting the characters organically arrive at their conclusion.
Regardless, it's a wonderful cast. (If you're wondering how the movie got such a cast, just look at the producer credits. You'll notice a certain Mr. Nolan. Then it all makes sense). The movie is nothing new or special, but it is enjoyable.
3/5 stars
Friday, April 4, 2014
There is a big problem with a lot of the movies based on books genre lately. It's lack of explanation. Either the writers are too lazy or they just assume the audience already knows the answers because they've read the books. It leaves the movies lacking in character development and world building.
Divergent is about the world that has been decimated and a rebuilt society that has been broken down into sects. As a teenager you are given a test to determine your personality and what sect you best belong in. Then you must choose a new permanent home for yourself either sticking to your current life or leaving your past behind. Our hero Tes is discovered to being a Divergent. She does not belong in any specific sect. She must hide though because the government will kill her if they find out. So she hides in the most dangerous sect possible not only having to worry about being discovered, but also about getting kicked out and being left homeless, but also gets tied up in a conspiracy to overtake the city.
The movie is decent. Girl power is strong in this one (maybe a little too much?), but it's a nice change of pace considering the history of male dominated stories. There are just a lot of ridiculous scenarios that having you shrugging your shoulders. I can't buy into the world without better explanation.
3/5 stars
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Captain America makes his present day movie debut this time around. He now works for SHIELD alongside is Avenger teammate the Black Widow and takes orders from the spy of spies, Nick Fury. It's a bit of a rebuilding of the Captain America franchise given that most of the cast of characters from the first film are dead from old age. The newest additions being Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, and Agent 13.
The movie centers around the innerworkings of SHIELD. Fury uncovers a deadly secret that will change the world if he, Captain America, and a handful of others can not stop. The biggest obstacle in their way is the emergence of the Winter Soldier, a superspy with ties to Captain America.
The movie is overall very good. The actors and characters have great chemistry with one another. Their use of humor in dangerous situations is a nice balance that has come to be expected in the Marvel Movie Universe.
The ending fizzles a bit with the final confrontation between Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Also Agent 13 played by Revenge's Emily Vancamp is the most inconsequential character in the whole movie. She has been built up as a major part even getting her own poster, but she does very little through the movie despite being in it the whole time.
There is also plenty of setup for future movies. There are major ramifications with SHIELD, leading to wonder what will happen with the SHIELD tv show. This could be their chance to show true connectivity between the movies and television.
And stay tuned during the credits for a taste of things to come in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
4/5 stars
Friday, February 14, 2014
RoboCop is back and stealthier than ever. Luckily for us, he's on our side. Unlike most 80's reboots Robocop manages to hold itself up from the structure of the original and update itself for the modern day.
While the aspect of senseless violence desentizing society is gone, the threat of corporations taking over is as strong as ever. OCP discusses how to brand their new machine, and market him to the general public with disreagard to Alex Murphy or his family. They invent lies to build off more lies. All in a days work.
Then instead of the story of a man clawing his way back to humanity from death we're brought the story of a man having to fight for his identity. Technology oversees the world and offers the illusion of control. It's easier for mankind, but the threat of totalitarianism is never far behind. Who is really in control?
The new ideas are great, although some aspects are never fully fleshed out. Enough of the movie is different enough that most people won't complain that it's the same movie, even some additions that you just know would have been in the original if the technology existed, but at the same time there are little nods to the original that seem out of place. References just for the sake of references. The rest of the movie plays out like an action movie.
If you're a fan of the Robocop Franshise check out the newest addition. It's better than RoboCop 3.
3/5 stars.
The Lego Movie
"Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team. Everything is awesome when you're living our a dream."
Get ready to have that stuck in your head for the rest of your life. The song used as propaganda to subdue many of the people in Legoland works for a reason. It is very catchy.
Emmet has lived his ordinary life, following the instructions, and getting himself nowhere. Then one fateful day he becomes attached to a legendary artifact and the adventure begins. He is joined by familiar faces from childhood, the biggest being Batman.
The movie is a blast. While some of the writing comes off as "So Random" it is few and far between. Only once does the plot take an easy out to progress the story, but it is made up for in nostalgia points. Not the greatest replacement, but good enough.
There are dozens of characters from all around pop culture that make cameos in this movie. Plus, toys you'll remember having played with as a kid. It is amazing to see just how many brands Lego has gotten into. This is probably the closest we'll get to a DC/Marvel crossover for years.
Find an excuse to see the movie. Take your kids, take your buddies, take your parents. You'll all have fun.
4/5 stars
The Monuments Men
It was a great idea. Unfortunately, that's all it was. The Monuments Men follows a group of soldiers that have been tasked to preserve art during WWII. They are scoffed and laughed at by other soldiers, but their colleagues know better. Fighting a war means trying to preserve your way of life. That can not be done if there is nothing left.
The story sticks to the fringes of the war. The men hardly see battle. That does not mean there is any less danger. It just means it isn't as exciting to watch.
Each member of the crew have their moments to shine, but it feels lacking. Many of the characters are there just to have a humorous break in the story and show that war isn't glamourous.
Also being based on a true story, the movie struggles with finding a true antagonist. Instead the crew bounces from bad guy to bad guy depending on how far into the war they are. Once the Nazis are out the Russians come in with mediocre setup.
The movie is well done. We've just come to expect more from these men.
3/5 stars
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Utter Stupidity or Vast Genius?
The final ten minutes of 2014's Royal Rumble was met with "Booooo." Not even the reliable Rey Mysterio could turn the crowd from disappointment. The newest golden boy of the WWE, Daniel Bryan, had been left out of the Royal Rumble match and missed an opportunity to be in the main event at WrestleMania 30.
The outraged was clear. Daniel Bryan's victory felt nearly common sense to all the fans. Even though the signs were pointing in every other direction. Bryan had never been advertised for the match. He even tweeted they didn't want him near it.
Also, days before the Rumble a leaked WrestleMania card came to light, showing Batista challenging for the title. It meant only one thing, Batista would be winning the Rumble.
Sure enough, Bryan was not involved and Batista won.
Was this poor booking? Did the producers believe that the returning Batista could outshine the rising Bryan? For over a month beforehand crowds have been chanting for Bryan throughout the main events involving both Randy Orton and John Cena. It was clear as day who the fans wanted to see.
Now, the WWE Network is looming. The speculation is growing on how much of a game changer it will be. PPV's will certainly never be the same. WWE fans will have the option of buying the Network for six months at $9.99 a month and get every PPV included.
It is the time to take risks. But what if the risks the WWE are taking are not in the superstars themselves? It's undeniable Daniel Bryan is ready for bigger things. The risk isn't in him. The risk is in the way the WWE presents its stories.
Social media has become a major tool in the WWE mindset. The WWE app shows matches during the commercials and behind the scene footage. Twitter keeps everybody updated with what is going on in the characters lives. Their stage has expanded into the digital realm.
The WWE is learning from their mistakes. They have turned the fans greatest weakness into their strength. Spoilers. People are always looking for spoilers. So, send some out and then make your stories start to build towards those red herrings.
Make it obvious that Daniel Bryan is not going to be in the rumble. (It might have turned uglier than they planned, but it was the reaction they wanted). They weren't playing it safe with their main events superstars. They were risking their PPV storytelling.
Think back to the night after WreslteMania 28. Daniel Bryan had just lost his title in 18 seconds. The crowd went nuts showing their support. Flashforward to Sumerslam 2013. Bryan wins the WWE title only to lose it in a few minutes to Randy Orton. This time around he chases the title for a couple of months before being diverted by the Wyatt Family. The crowd was behind him for his title chase, but the destination was expected. It wasn't until Bryan left the chase did the crowds start to turn fowl. They cheered for him louder than ever because he was not involved.
The Royal Rumble was the same thing only planned for. He was absent because they wanted him to be. The crowds are behind Daniel Bryan even more than before.
Now, just because Batista won the Rumble does not mean he will headline WrestleMania or alone for that matter. WrestleMania 2000 saw the match change several times. John Cena cashed in his rumble victory for the No Way Out a month before.
Maybe I'm a dreamer, but nothing has been set in stone and the story is still unfolding.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
It's a sad thing when the title, the release date, and the advertising do their movie no justice. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is actually a pretty good movie. There are no ridiculous twists to keep track of. It's a the simply the fifty year old tale of America vs. Russia. Keep in mind this isn't your parent's Jack Ryan.
This time around, played by Chris Pine, Jack Ryan is brought into the modern post-911 world. Ryan who was studying economics before the attacks enlists into the marines, and is soon injured on the field. He slowly recovers and finds himself still a valuable asset now for the CIA looking into money trails of their enemies.
Ryan is sent on a mission to uncover a Russian plan to destroy America where he must use his brains ad fighting skills to stay alive and save the day.
The action is great, nothing too over the top. The dialogue does get a bit spotty at times, it holds strong in the end leaving you rooting for more American heroes.
4/5 stars
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Disney returns to a classic formula in their newest release of Frozen. Don't be fooled though, they have once again updated their character development, no longer allowing the women to need to be rescued by a dashing prince. Frozen is an ensemble of new, wonderful songs, and delightful side characters that will surely be popping up throughout the Disney universe.
The movie centers around Anna and Elsa, two sisters and princesses that have been locked away in their castle their entire childhood because Elsa has a magical power. She can turn things to ice and the danger of her hurting others like her sister could make her a monster in the eyes of the people. After an incident with Elsa's power turning the kingdom into an eternal winter, Anna joins with Kristoff to find her and fix everything. Along the way the lovable snowman, Olaf, joins the groups for pure entertainment.
The movie turns out quite enjoyable. At first, it seems like the biggest problem is simply bad parenting. But in the end villains are revealed, and Anna must find a way to convince Elsa to save the day.
Olaf will be a welcomed new addition to Disney's character line-up. His spunky attitude and ability to manipulate his snow body steal the show in ever scene he's in.
Check out Frozen in theaters while you still can.
4/5 stars
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