Thursday, October 17, 2013

Machete Kills

    I'm torn.  What Machete Kills loses in charm compared to its previous film/trailer, it gains in its ridiculously awesome-ness and its characters.  The story certainly isn't what you'd expect.  This is a movie you really have to just let go, and enjoy the ride.
    There are times that Machete Kills forgets that it is parading crappy films and becomes one itself.  I blame it mostly on HD standards.  The film looks too clean for what it should be.  It should be grainy and dirty, not crisp like a made-for-tv movie.  It creates the wrong feel for the movies.
    The plot revels in its own chaos.  Machete becomes the man who can not die, literally.  We're even teased for the third Machete film that this film begins to build toward.
    The break out though is the character, El Cameleon.  After his debut scene you'll be wanting more.
    Hunt this movie down at the dollar theater.

3/5 stars


     Gravity is a treat.  It's rare that a film will come out with not only an excitable plot, but characters you want to cheer for.  You'll be on the edge of your seats while Sandra Bullock and George Clooney try to make it to safety.
     I'd also be amiss not to mention the special effects.  They are some of the best to date.  Space travel plays really well into the 3D effects.  If there is any time to go see a movie in 3D it's Gravity.

5/5 stars

Monday, October 7, 2013

Marvel Movie Marathon


    Agents of Shield has made it two episodes so far, Iron Man 3 is out on DVD, and Thor: The Dark World will be released in a month.  It's now that time now that you look back and say, "I want to get caught up on everything again."
      But how do you do it?  I know, I know.  Most of you guys are saying to yourself, "But Dane!  You just watch the movies in order of their released date."
      Well, sit back, and let me argue that you're wrong.  There are a couple of problems with watching a Marvel Marathon by release date, and the biggest nuisance is The Incredible Hulk.
      Hulk is the red headed step child of the Marvel Universe.  It came out too early to really have any real connection to The Avengers, unlike Iron Man 2 and beyond, but it still tried to be a part of the whole thing.  Because of that, Hulk can get shuffled around a bit.  Add to that, that Captain America took place in the 1940's, it also has some wiggle room.
      So let's take a look at this new order for a Marvel Movie Marathon.

     Iron Man:  The first movie should begin the whole thing.  It's only right.  Plus, we begin in a world that hasn't changed much.  Tony Stark creates his Iron Man suit and the world hasn't caught up yet.  Plus we meet for the first time, S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, and the Avengers Initiative.
     Iron Man 2:  This continues the idea of escalation.  During IM2 the world is up in arms about Tony being the most powerful man in the world, and nobody can match it.  Stark is of course cocky about that, and is soon put in his place by Whiplash.  What also follows is Nick Fury officially bringing in Tony Stark as a consultant on the Avengers Initiative.  This movie also brings to light Howard Stark, the world's fair and the tesseract.
     Captain America:  Now, we're jumping around.  We've just seen the world start to discover new powers, but it wasn't always like that.  During WWII, the world was on the brink of destruction due to Hydra, and America had a secret weapon of their own, a super soldier known as Captain America.  Here we get a taste of the norse gods, the super soldier serum, and we set the stage for the tesseract in later films.

     The Incredible Hulk:  Back to the present.  Hulk's biggest connection to any of the Marvel movies was to Captain America due to references of the super soldier serum.  Hulk also takes places during the events of IM2.  So technically speaking we haven't lost any future time of the Marvel timeline.  Plus, the end credits have Stark confronting General Ross about a team he's putting together.  Up until the end of IM2, Stark would not have been doing that.

    Thor:  The theme of escalation continues.  The world is catching up to greater powers, and just in time.  Thor has landed.  The Red Skull was said to worship other gods.  Now, it's time to meet them.  The world is hit with aliens, and Loki is brought to the forefront.  Finally at the end credits, it's revealed the tesseract is in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

   Avengers:  Aliens have attacked and they keep on coming.  Loki makes his return.  And the world will never be the same.  

Enjoy your marathon.